It's one thing to have a great stage name, but it's the personal
story that really makes one legendary. For Candy Barr, her
personal life and trials (literally) are just as noteworthy as her life
as a famous Dallas and Vegas stripper in the 1950's. Early in her career,
she appeared in one of the most famous blue films of the era called "Smart
Aleck." In 1956, she shot her drunk and violent husband, and even though
he wasn't badly hurt, Barr's manager actually arranged it
with the sheriff to increase her bond because it made better press. In
1957, Dallas police stormed into her house and arrested her on drug charges.
Because of the storm trooper tactics of the police, the case was appealed
all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, who refused to hear the case. She
spent three years in jail starting in 1959. In the years while she waited
on the appeal she hooked-up with Vegas mobster
Mickey Cohen.
After she got out she was befriended by club owner and J.F.K. assassination
player Jack Ruby. Also, in the 1970's she had a brief weekend
affair with Hugh Hefner. Quite a cast of characters within
her personal drama! When classic strippers were no longer in demand, Barr
retired to Texas where she lived until her death in late 2005.