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Discotheque Dances"Discotheque Dances"
by Dick Blake
The World Publishing Co., 1965
  Have you ever walked onto the dance floor and felt ashamed because you don't know the latest moves? Well, don't fret because your pal Dick Blake is here to show you how easy it is to dance all the latest dance crazes. There are the classics like the "Jerk," the "Pony," "Mashed Potatoes," "Walking the Dog," and the "Watusi." But what if all your friends have just learned the "Cha Jerk" or the "Boomerang" or even the "Hully Gully?" Well, don't worry, 'cause ol' Dickey has got you covered. With easy to follow dance steps, and pictures for  you less literary types, you too will be the hit of the dance floor in no time. Want proof? Well, check out a few of his dance instructions:

How To Dance the Dick Blake Way!
WatusiThe Watusi (Dance to moderate tempo)
Stand with your feet about 12 inches apart. Jeep both knees bent at all times. Pretend you are going to take a golf swing.

Hip Movement
On the count of one, shift weight to right foot, making right hip move out to the right. On the count of two, shift weight to left foot, making left hip move out to the left. Move from side to side with hips swinging right to left to a 1-2, 1-2 rhythm.

Arm Movement
Hold arms out in front of you as if you were holding a golf club. Swing hands to your right, then down in a semicircular motion to your left, back to right, then to left, counting 1-2, 1-2.

Putting Them Together
Now do the hand and hip movements simultaneously from right to left on a count of 1-2.

The Hitch-HikerThe Hitch-Hiker

1. Stand in upright position with feet apart, doing the frug movement.

2. Hitch-hike with right thumb on the counts 1-2-3, to you right side.

3. Clap on the fourth beat on the right side of your body.

4. Hitch-hike with the left thumb on the count 1-2-3, back to the left side.

5. Clap on the fourth beat on the left side of your body. Repeat over and over.

The MonkeyThe Monkey

1. Taking a fighter's crouch, face your partner and stand with feet apart, knees bent. Bend arms and close fists, thumbs up.

2. Bend forward from waist to the left, raising right arm. As your body bobs, your head also bobs forward on each count. The whole effect is jerky.

3. Straighten up to original position.

4. Bend forward from waist toward your partner, facing center, switching arms as you do so.

5. Straighten to original position. Hands and head should give impression of monkey holding two bananas.

6. Bend forward from waist to the right. Straighten to original position.

7. Bob back to center, bending at waist and again switching hands.

8. Repeat entire pattern. Counts are double time, hitting every accent in the music.

The ChickenThe Chicken

1. Stand with feet together and put right heel out.

2. Jump back into place with right foot, landing with left toe on ground, left heel raised.

3. Put heel of left foot out to left side.

4. Jump back in place with left foot, landing with right toe on ground, right heel raised.

Repeat over and over in place.

The body moves easily from side to side by dropping the opposite shoulder each time the foot goes out. The counts are 1-2-3-4.

Repeat it over and over

Note: The hands are raised, the fingers snapping on the beat.

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