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Java's Bachelor Pad Exotic World 2005 Shirt
     I'm sure most of you know about Exotic World, the burlesque museum run by the legendary Dixie Evans. And I'm sure you know that this June they're having their annual burlesque pageant. Well, I'm going. Not only that, I'm going to be one of their pageant judges! It's like they're calling me home!

     In order to commentate this event, I'm offering a special Java's Bachelor Pad t-shirt featuring original, commissioned artwork from the good folks at Untamed Highway

     There a limited number of shirts available. The shirts feature a white ink design printed on black 100% cotton Hanes heavyweight shirts. Here is what the front looks like:

     The back of the shirt has the JBP website address in the same lettering. To order, just use the PayPal Donate button below. 

     Make sure to include your address and what size shirt you want. We offer medium, large, and extra large. Shirts are $18 shipped in the U.S., $23 shipped everywhere else. As mentioned, supplies are limited. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Java.

     Show your love for Java's Bachelor Pad…order your t-shirt today! 

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