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Hard Case Crime/FHM Contest:

"As a once and future sponsor of this excellent site, we wanted to let you know about a very special opportunity that's been cooked up between Hard Case Crime, publisher of old-style noir/pulp paperback crime novels, and FHM Magazine.

If you visit www.HardCaseCrime.com you'll see that we've revived the grand pulp art style on our book covers, with gorgeous, gun-toting femme fatales (femmes fatale?) in sultry poses.  Check out FADE TO BLONDE and BRANDED WOMAN and THE GIRL WITH THE LONG GREEN HEART and A TOUCH OF DEATH for example.

This month, as a special one-time promotion, we've teamed up with FHM Magazine to select someone to pose as a model for a future cover.   FHM is running the contest (which they've named the "Paint My Dame! Contest," I guess on the theory that their readers are less likely to be dames themselves...), and you can read a bit about it and find the official rules at www.fhmus.com/pulp.  If you want to enter, you need to send a photo of a "sexy noir pose" by e-mail to letters@fhmus.com or by postal mail to...

   Paint My Dame! Contest
   110 Fifth Avenue
   New York, NY 10011

Don't forget to include your name, address, and age (you have to be at least 18), and mention that your entry is for the Hard Case Crime contest.

FHM and Hard Case Crime will judge the entries and select five finalists who will receive a set of the first dozen Hard Case Crime books and may get their photos published in FHM.  Then one of the finalists will be chosen to be the subject of a noir painting by a Hard Case Crime artist -- she'll get a signed, framed print of the painting, plus (if we use it on the cover of one of our books, which is the plan) she'll also get 25 free copies of the book...and, of course, a bit of immortality.

The deadline for submitting photos is December 27th, but earlier is probably better.  If you have any questions, feel free to drop a note (or cc your entry) to contest@hardcasecrime.com.

Good luck!

--Charles Ardai
  Editor, Hard Case Crime"


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