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Last Exit To Brooklyn"Last Exit To Brooklyn"
 by Hubert Selby Jr.
Grove Press, 1957 
     Written during the time when Beat writers dominated, Selby came out with a series of vignettes that read like Beat fiction, but shows a dark, brutal, urban reality that place him light years away from the coffee houses in Greenwich Village. Selby's world is a mixture of violence, aggravated desperation, and unresolved hopelessness that destroys everyone and everything it touches. It's like Camus taking a joyride into Dante's Hell. We are shown tragic heroes who we learn to love and hate, despise and revere. The main stories are: "The Queen is Dead," about the transvestite Georgette and her fantasy of becoming queen of her court;  "Tralala," about the rise and fall of beauty; "Strike,"  about a sad man and his delusions of political power and job place respect; and "Landsend," the coda of the books that is a breathtaking and chaotic symphony of curses, screams, cries. Last Exit to Brooklyn doesn't preach any sort optimistic transcendence, but rather shows us some wonderfully flawed gems within a cruel world. 

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