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Mind Control, Oswald and JFK"Mind Control, Oswald, & JFK"
by Kenn Thomas and Lincoln Lawrence
Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997
    "Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK" is actually a reprint of the 1967 conspiracy classic "Were We Controlled?" written by Lincoln Lawrence. The current forward by Kenn Thomas picks up where the other left off and includes even more evidence about this theory of the the JKF assassination. But this is more than just a JFK assassination book. This book also goes into the dark world of mind control and those secret groups in power who use people like Oswald to their own diabolical ends. The core of the book rests on the mind control technology that was implanted into Oswald during his time in Russia to make him a sleeper assassin.  To be precise, there were two technologies uses on Oswald (and Jack Ruby, too)--Radio Hypnotic Intercerebral Control (R.H.I.C) which, as the name suggests, was how the masterminds of the plot controlled these people by radio control; and Electronic Desolution of Memory (E.D.O.M), which made those controlled forget what they had just done. So, you're thinking, JFK was bumped off by the mob to get back for his affair with Marilyn Monroe. Wrong. Cuban Communists? Nope. Regular old Russian Communists? Not even close.  UFO's? The CIA? Well, those will be covered in the future with a book called "Liquid Conspiracy." No the group, as it turns out, was a bunch of former Nazis living in Argentina. And their primary plan was not the assassination of the president, but rather use the assassination to making a killing on Wall Street via the short selling of the collapsing Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation. Of course, you say, how simple--how ingenious--how (to use the word again) diabolical! (This book is a must for you conspiracy library and another great book from the fine folks at the Adventures Unlimited Press.)

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