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Secrets of a Telephone Psychic"Secrets of a Telephone Psychic"
by Frederick Woodruff
Beyond Words Publishing, Inc., 1998
     Ever wonder who's on the other end of those Psychic Friends lines? How can answering calls all day from people who have questions about love, money and the future effect you? Are there really psychics on the other end? This book should be called "Psychics Confidential," since it give the lowdown on what type of people are calling and how psychics tell them their futures. Rather than this being a book about huckers, Woodruff talks about using his natural talents, both psychic and otherwise, to help people out. He's not one of the scammers, even though he admits there are many out there. He turns his experiences as a phone psychic into lessons in pop psychology and spirituality and is able to put life, the universe, and everything into perspective through the metaphor of these 1-900 lines: "Psychic networks are a perfect blend of the comical and the mystical. They are camp New Age spirituality. Their infomercials are hokey, kooky, and (sometimes) spooky. And the promotions usually involve overly earnest, subfamous celebrities who, after their testimonials, make you laugh and go, 'Yeah, right! And I'm the father of Madonna's baby!' In an oblique way, psychic networks are the bedfellow of born-again Christian tithing telethons, television talk shows, and phone-sex hot lines. Talk about a marriage of the sacred and the profane! All of these 'industries' demonstrate high elements of kitsch, and all of them rake in millions of dollars every year, calling to mind people like Tammy Faye Bakker. Psychic and sex lines, television huckstering and Tammy Faye are what's great about this country. Rowdy. Colorful. Going for the gusto. Unapologetically tacky. All-American."

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