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Hot Rod Pin-ups"Hot Rod Pin-ups"
by David Perry
Motorbooks, 2005
     Most red-blooded American bachelors will tell you the two greatest inventions of the 20th Century weren't the television or the jet plane. Not that those things are bad, but the two innovations that have had the most profound effect on the modern male are the hot rod and the pin-up. Fast, loud cars and pretty gals...what could be more central to a man's universe? Two objects of desire. Two objects that men will do whatever it takes to have. They are the yin and yang of a bachelor's existence. 
     Photographer David Perry knows this. With his camera he is able to capture to true essence of both the hot rod and the pin-ups girl. There's just something that gets the blood boiling when you match chrome curves with the curve of the hip or the bend of the knee. Gleaming metal and fishnetted flesh...it’s a wicked combination. And Perry knows how to bring this all to life. In his latest book, titled--what else?--Hot Rod Pin-ups, Perry draws out the gritty and dangerous energy of the cars while at the same time showing retro kittens in their fully stylized pin-up beauty. It's one of those books where you don't know which to drool over first--the sexy bombshell or the slick hot rod. 
     But this book is more than just pretty gals and fast cars. There are several essays from the likes of Robert Williams, Eric Kroll, and Perry himself. The essays all touch on the intersection of cars and women in a guy's formative years. They both seem to be touchstones in each guy's personal mythology. There always seems to be a memory of one hot gal and one cool car that burns its way into a man's brain forever. And it is quite possible that this book will help bring back those memories or maybe create some memories for the next generation!

     David Perry on the July 2005 edition of WILL-Radio's program Sidetrack. You can hear the archive here. (The interview is about 45 minutes into the show.)

     As a final side note: the gal on the cover of the book is none other than one of our Modern Day Femme Fatales, Miss Heidi Van Horne.

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